Tips and Tricks for Enjoying Halloween with Kids with Diabetes

Don’t let diabetes spook you

Leanne Mullan
3 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

I don’t know about you, but I find Halloween to be one of the most entertaining, quirkiest and of course scariest days on the annual calendar. There’s something quite hilarious about dressing up in outrageous outfits, walking the streets trick or treating and attending gorily themed parties.

Throwing diabetes into the Halloween mix doesn’t have to spook you or your kids. Sometimes moving the focus away from the ‘treats’ can seem like an impossible task, however here are a few tips and tricks for Halloween to ensure you can enjoy the creepy celebrations!

Focus on the planning

Get your whole family or group of friends involved in choosing the perfect costume. Also, kids love to craft, so spend time making the spookiest decorations.


If you’re hosting a Halloween party prepare games that do not focus on candy or treats. How about pin the broomstick on the witch or a treasure hunt with scary tricks rather than treats? Or what about Pumpkin Smash, where everyone ties an orange balloon to their ankle with the aim to pop each other’s balloon? Let your creativity run wild!

Set some limits



Leanne Mullan

Frazzled mom. Creative, nerdy, lover of green. Obsessively organized. Donut addict. Diabetes specialist. Doctor of Philosophy.