Reentering The Dating Game After Divorce

Lessons from a divorcee

Leanne Mullan
5 min readAug 14, 2021
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

For many of us, dating in the late teens and early 20s comes easy. We are at our peak physically. Boobs are perky and muscles are defined. We have ample time to dedicate to our appearance whether that’s spending time at the nail salon, tending to regrowth or doing a good workout at the gym. We are enmeshed in a lot of different social circles full of countless other young and attractive individuals who are all looking for love, or at the very least, sex.

Fast forward a few years. Our six pack has transitioned to a 12 pack of bread rolls, boobs now sag mighty close to our belly buttons, hair grows in places we don’t need hair whilst excess skin shows up in random places making way for a grand selection of ‘control briefs’ in the top drawer.

Then when we throw the baggage of divorce into the mix, the dating game becomes a lot more challenging.

After my husband left me for a younger more attractive version the thought of dating again was far from my mind. I wasn’t sure that I actually believed in love or that I was lovable. Being pregnant with my husband’s son at that time further took away any interest I had in finding another fish in the open waters.

In that moment my priority was to put aside the grief over a dream lost to focus on…



Leanne Mullan

Frazzled mom. Creative, nerdy, lover of green. Obsessively organized. Donut addict. Diabetes specialist. Doctor of Philosophy.